DIALOG OR COOP? Energy and Mobility - Choose what you need!

09. November 2021

Uhrzeit: 16-18 Uhr I online I kostenfrei

Are you interested in African-German economic affairs? - Become part of it!
"Energy and Mobility“ and „Digitalisation“ - Opportunity for Networking and Dialogue

To begin a dialogue is a start, but cooperation and joint activities to implement or realise projects are the goal for start-ups and companies. Take the chance and be part of it on November 9th („Energy and Mobility“) and 10th („Digitalisation“).

SEZ Stiftung Entwicklungs-Zusammenarbeit Baden-Württemberg (SEZ), TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe GmbH, Inter Region Economic Network - IREN and sieber l wensauer-sieber l partner are jointly inviting you to a format for start-ups and companies from the fields of "Energy and Mobility" and "Digitalisation" to come into direct contact in a second round of the Digital Hub Africa.

The open cooperation and networking format "Dialog or Coop? - Choose what you need!" aims to bring together start-ups and companies from East Africa and the Karlsruhe Technology Region with the most diverse interests and motivations for cooperation. The format is designed to give participants space to talk to each other, explore project ideas, identify opportunities and possibilities for cooperation and to let us know what framework conditions they need for cooperation.

What can you expect?
• Virtual meet & greet sessions
• Exchange of experience with already existing Coop-Partners
• Speed-Dating for diving deeper in dialog or coop
• Activate opportunities for cooperation and joint ventures
• And last but not least: Please let us know, what you need for your further steps.
Are you interested in discovering new cooperation opportunities for your start-up or company? Then we are looking forward to receive your registration by 4th of November 2021.

Please register for the event „Dialog or Coop? - Energy and Mobility” via: https://wensauer-sieber.as.me/Digital-Hub-Africa-Energy-and-Mobility

Please register for the event „Dialog or Coop? - Digitalisation“ via: https://wensauer-sieber.as.me/Digital-Hub-Africa-Digitalisation

Each event is limited to 8 East African and 8 German start-ups / companies. It is recommended to register quickly: We are looking forward to meet you and your ideas!

Weitere Informationen gibt es auf der Webseite der Stiftung Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (sez). Bei Fragen zur Veranstaltung wenden Sie sich bitte an Nadine Rahner (sieber I wensauer-sieber I partner).

Flyer zur Veranstaltung Energie und Mobilität

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